Align + Attract

Doing Business Brilliantly with Leonie Dawson

Kerry Rowett Episode 106

Quick heads up - Leonie Dawson's Brilliant Biz + Life Academy is currently US$99 and will double in price on 30th November. Check it out and join here:

Today I ask Leonie Dawson for their best advice on what to do if you:

  • Want to create a side hustle
  • Need to attract more clients
  • Feel maxed out but want to grow your business
  • Have a successful, bigger business but still want to grow

Leonie Dawson barely needs an introduction around here but in case you're new to Leonie's world, Leonie has brought in over $13 million in revenue while only working 10 hours a week. Leonie is a best-selling author and self-made multi-millionaire, and has been blogging since 2004. Leonie is a passionate philanthropist and has created a crazy abundant creative business while still being a present mama to two kids.

Find Leonie here:
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