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Starting a Gentle Rebellion with Tamara Protassow

Kerry Rowett Episode 156

If you have a book idea inside of you or a half-finished manuscript you'd love to complete, you'll love this conversation with book coach, Tamara Protassow.

In private coaching and her brilliant Gentle Rebellion Club membership, Tamara helps "too busy" writers get their books finished, whilst also unpicking their internalised capitalism + patriarchal expectations of productivity. Hence: the Gentle Rebellion. Allowing yourself space for creativity can be a rebellious act! Tamara likes nothing more than watching creativity get unlocked.

You'll also love this episode if you have a course, membership or some other offering in your business that you still love, but know needs a revamp as it's just not having the impact it could. Tamara shares how she knew it was time to evolve her Membership to match how she actually supports her clients today - and exactly how she did this so it can have even more impact.

Find Tamara here:
Join the Gentle Rebellion Club:
LinkedIn: Tamara Protassow
For the Exactly How F*cked By The Patriarchy Are You? quiz, CLICK HERE.

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